Sunday, November 3, 2013

Jianna Figueroa                                                      H~23

                   Flame Test Experiment

Purpose: To demonstrate & classify the characteristics of a chemical reaction

Objective: Describe the difference between a chemical & physical change

Data Table:
Chemical Compounds:
Elements Involved:
Barium Chloride
Barium (Ba)Color: light / mint green
Calcium Chloride
Calcium (Ca) Color: reddish / dark orange
Lithium Chloride
Lithium (Li) Color: HOT PINK (:
Potassium Chloride
Potassium (K) Color:  lavender / violet
Sodium Chloride
 Sodium (Na)Color: bright orange (fire-like)
Strontium Chloride
Strontium (Sr) Color:  red, orange , & pink  
- ? - ? -  ? - ?Color: yellow , green , violet , & hot pink  

Flame Test Performance ...

The link below shows just some of the flame tests people have done...

The image below shows the colors given off on specific elements..

The image below shows the colors given off on the element lithium...

Analysis Questions:

1.) What indicators (at least 3) determine that a chemical change (or reaction) has occurred?
      ~The color change , the gas/vapor that came from the flame, & the energy that was absorbed or given off in the reaction. 
2.) What is emitted when a chemical change takes place in the flame test?
~The color is emitted in the first 7 but in the unknown compound it released a vapor and bubbles.

3.) What group, from the periodic table, do these elements exist?
 These  elements are in the metals (Alkaline metals & Alkali metals), group 1 & 2.
4.) Do any two elements give the same spectrum of color? Explain why?
 Yes, both calcium and sodium had a shade of orange. Strontium had various colors from other compounds (e.g. had orange and pink , also found in calcium , sodium , & lithium) The unknown compound had almost all the colors in the compounds we tested. 
5.) Recall what a catalyst is in a chemical reaction.  What was the catalyst in these reactions?

 A catalyst is a substance which speeds up a reaction. The catalyst in the flames 
reaction was when the compound reacted to the gas created colors.

Post Lab Questions:

Critical Thinking: In your blog, explain how the data gathered in this lab can be used to solve crimes or convict criminals. Research the topic and use what you discovered in class to write 1-2 paragraphs on answering question.

*Be sure to cite your source.


The data gathered in a lab can be used to solve crimes or convict criminals in drugs or a urine test. This helps analyze drugs because compound in the drug. In a urine test it can help determine a persons DNA ,which contains specific elements (HONC). These tests will help determine what elements are involved.


Data Table:

Chemical Compounds:
Elements Involved:

Aluminum Foil 
 Aluminum (Al)
Color: Bright , sparkle , fire works



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